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NOTICE: As of December 2023, OEMPCWORLD is not offering buybacks on computer memory. We still offer recycling services. If you have larger quantities of memory for sale we may be interested in purchasing it. Please contact us at with your offer.

How to sell us your memory (RAM & Flash) and Save $$$

Buybacks under $10 will receive store credit only. is unique in offering to BuyBack from customers their discarded or no longer needed memory modules and flash in Eco-Friendly way. Much too often computers get upgraded and the removed modules discarded or lost. Now there is an easier and better way to save, see example.

Customer buys 4GB module for $30, already 40% off (saves $20)

Customer returns 2GB module, gets $4

Net cost to customer is $26.00, total savings is a giant $24 !!

Customer saved close to 50% off the retail price of that memory module and we make it easy to return your memory by simply adding a return envelope to your order, offered HERE, a truly no hassle Eco-Friendly buyback program. Once you add items to your basket you will be given the option to add a “return envelope”. sells these buyback modules at auctions, to liquidators and at computer shows. They are resold at this web site when the module is indicated as refurbished.

The process to sell us your RAM is as follows.

  1. Purchase the memory (RAM and/or Flash) you need from our web site. Add optional item “Return Envelope” to facilitate your return, you can use your own packaging. (Holds 4 modules)
  2. Receive and install the new memory (RAM and/or Flash) and save the packaging or use your own.
  3. For BUYBACK returns simply print a copy of your invoice,write buyback across the page and include it with your merchandise return and mail to the address provided on the invoice. RMA is not needed for buyback nor are you required to use our return envelope.

We will issue a refund payment to you against the order you just received if the buyback value exceeds $10, otherwise you will receive store credit.

You can email us to get an estimate of the credit value, but it usually is about 40% – 50% of the price we list at the web site or current open market prices for older items, items under 2GB have little or no buyback value at this time and will simply be recycled.

The following items have no buyback value at this time, they will be recycled free of charge

All 72 pin SIMMs, EDO/SDRAM
All Rambus
All SDRAM PC66/PC100/PC133
All DDR PC2100/2700/3200

DDR2 1GB or less have no individual buyback value.

DDR3 2GB or less have no individual buyback value

Server Modules less than 4GB have no individual buyback value

Due to the high cost of processing refunds you will only receive store credit for buybacks of $10 or less. This store credit will be deducted from your total purchase the next time you place an order online. Optionally you may wait until you accumulate more than $10 of buyback value before returning goods to us.

Buyback returns of more than 20 modules will be processed by weight only at this time at the rate of $10 per lb. A tray of 50 modules weighs about 2.2lbs.

We cannot return modules that have no value or fail our memory tests.

If you return more value than you purchased you will receive store credit for the balance.

Email us with any questions at

Modules returned to cannot be returned to you if you disagree with the buyback value. Returning modules to us for buyback indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Send the memory (RAM and/or Flash) and documents to:

BuyBack –
3080 Kenneth St.
Santa Clara CA 95054

25 year anniversary

We are a Transcend Authorized Reseller

We are an Authorized Samsung SSD Partner