Discount savings on Solid State Drives! OEMPCWORLD is overstocked on popular Delkin, Samsung and Kingston SSDs and now we’re offering them to you at significant discounts. Select any items below. Your discounted price will appear in the checkout page. These special offers are valid until Friday, April 15th or until supply lasts.
Delkin Devices

DE2HNKCXP-17000-D S218 SATA SSD 256GB $59.85 $49.85

DE2HNKCXP-25000-D S225 SATA SSD 256GB $60.00 $49.85

DE64TGPXP-17050-D S218 SATA SSD 64GB $49.85 $39.85

DE64NGTXP-17000-D S218 SATA SSD 64GB $49.85 $39.85

Kingston A400 240GB $38.85 $31.35

Samsung PM983 960GB $236.35 $205.85
Pricing is limited to quantities on hand. If you don’t see your favorite item on the list please contact me and I’ll build you a personalized special offer, or check out our selection online. I’m here, ready to help you find the components you need. Contact me any time. Until then, take care.