256 MB modules built with 32Mx4 SDRAM chips.
Reference: Module Part Numbers: 245M-PC100/32×4, 256M-PC133/32×4
Why are these modules incompatible with some motherboards?
There are 3 primary reasons for incompatibility between motherboards and 256MB memory modules made with 32Mx4 chips:
1. Chipset doesn’t support 32Mx4 SDRAM: Chipsets direct information between the processor (CPU) and the memory as well as peripherals. Only certain (newer design) chipsets such as the Via Apollo Pro 133A or KX- 133 support 32Mx4 SDRAM chips. The popular Intel BX, LX and ZX chipsets do not support 32Mx4 chips.
2. Some motherboards with excessive noise or old bios settings do not work well with 32Mx4 SDRAM chips even with Apollo Pro 133/ 133A chipsets.
3. High Regulated Voltage: Certain motherboards have regulated voltage to 3.5 v. or above, which is far greater than the 3.3 v. industry standard. This can cause instability with memory modules or peripherals. This issue seems geographic dependent as it is observed more in Europe, somewhat in the United States, but less in Canada. If these motherboards are used, we recommend extensive testing with each module/ motherboard.
Our Testing
Our memory is tested at the component (chip) and module levels to assure proper operation. Speed tests are also done at both levels.
PC 133
Our memory is guaranteed to function in PC 100 applications. PC 133 modules should in general be operated with the bios setting for CAS Latency at 3.
Compatible motherboards
A partial table of the motherboards that have passed tests specifically run for you to assess compatibility with these 256MB modules is updated on this website.
Warning: Please check your specific motherboards before ordering in quantity. Remember that our tests were only on motherboards we received. Manufacturing or design variances by motherboard manufacturers (i. e. bios, noise, voltage) are not taken into account in our testing.